Good habits and rules that truly smart people follow are well known to everyone: a strict daily regime, workouts, healthy sleep, etc. In addition, smart and successful people try to avoid such actions that can affect negatively them or on their life quality. So their tips are:
Don’t Let Others Ruin Your Mood
The mood of the happiest and most self-sufficient people never depends on those around them! Of course, they can sometimes be influenced by difficult life situations or unpleasant people, but this will in no way affect their self-esteem.

Smart people know perfectly well that it is impossible to please everyone they meet. They respect the opinions of outsiders and at the same time try not to allow them to interfere with their personal life. Therefore, you should not worry about such trifles as the opinions of others!
Don’t Live in the Past
The meaning of the past is precisely in the fact that it has passed a long time ago! The maximum that the past can be useful is that you can draw some conclusions about any mistakes in life and try not to repeat them in the future.
Successful and smart people often experiment, that is, they try to find and learn something new, without fear of looking stupid or failing in the process.
What the past was is absolutely irrelevant! You should not waste time and energy on memories and self-criticism. Better to do something useful and start life from scratch.
Never Hold Grudges
There is nothing wrong with the fact that a person is angry, because this is a completely natural phenomenon in some unpleasant life situations.
The most important thing is that such emotions do not linger for a long time! Successful people know how to get rid of negativity in time and forget about resentment and anger.
If you constantly accumulate negative emotions, it can provoke stressful conditions! Life can be much easier and more interesting if you try to forgive offenders and get rid of negative thoughts.
Disagree with What They Don’t Like
A smart and successful person always knows his own worth, so he tries to defend his choice, that is, he does not agree with the fact that for some reason does not suit him. This ability helps to make his life more comfortable and successful.
Don’t Rely on Luck or Anyone Too Much
Self-confidence is one of the main qualities of truly successful individuals. You should not wait for help from someone from your friends or relatives, or naively rely on luck. This will not lead to anything good. First of all, you should rely on your abilities and try to believe in yourself!